
Showing posts from November, 2017

Life After High School

I am always thinking about how my life is going to be when I am out of high school, I am always thinking about if I am going to be my career or am I going to be something else. I just wonder what my life is going to be being an adult. I always wonder if I am going to be those people that are going to have a good job or not. I am always wondering about the future. Like what's coming for me, am I ready for this? Life after high school I want to go to University of Washington and be studying what I want to be. Which is a surgeon 👩🏽‍⚕️, If I'm not going to be that than my other option is to study medicine and become a clinical nurse. I want to work with people and help them. I want to be someone that is in the medical field. Ever since I was small I wanted to be a surgeon, I hope I become that.

Immigrants in our own land

The type of immigrants they are talking about prisoners.

Table Conversation - immigrants in our own land

A.) I think Jessica Parra wrote this because she probably heard a story similar to it or something happened to her in real life that was similar or it comes out of no where. B.) The tone is to be just to be straight up, The mood is to be honest because these things are true and happen in real life. The theme is that people have to realize that things changed from those who come to Somewhere new from those in prison.

Notes On immigrants in our own land

We- tone is inclusive "At the gate....thru we take test"- we get treated like numbers, suppose to be realistic "Some of us....thru Didn't finish high school"- person who were in jail are not really themselves completely "Old men who have lived ...."- old people know more -reminds us our expectations "They talk away we are sent"-goes back to realistic, be who you are "Authorities.....our lives don't get better"- life doesn't matter "Cell crisscross "".... - goes back to realistic "Joey & felipe "-have a story where they work together "Coyote"- wild, person who is at home,person who is at home in prison who will help you out

Emerson Essay Published

Emerson's thesis is that you are the only one that you could be. Self-Reliance is about pretty much you being you and showing who you really are.    The main idea is supported by the tone because the tone is challenging. This essay is pretty hard to understand but it's worth being challenged. I know he isn't trying to challenge us. Emerson likes when people are themselves and show who you really are. He wants you to understand yourself because there is always a good way to change. For example, when he quoted "Rainbow to follow the cloud"he  was so right on what he meant with that. In order to have something good you have to go to the struggle first. This is just life .     The diction is pretty bold with big words. Emerson used words from back in the days that we don't use today. There are people that are selfish and Emerson doesn't like that. Some words he used that I've never seen before are shun which means to turn away from. Nonconformist which m...


Yesterday I accomplished on having a big question and talking about it with my group. We helped each other with our questions. Today I accomplished by writing/posting this. I also wrote on my journal.

Vignette Time

My first dog- it was a hot summer day, where I was melting like a snowman and couldn't breathe because of the heat. Later that day my dad told me to go with him and he didn't tell me where we were going. I got my dog I didn't choose it but it was still adorable. It's a shitzu mix poodle


What I have learned in this class is how to make a resume and I am thankful I learned this because it is going to help me in the future with jobs , scholarships and much more. I won't have to ask for help or pay. I'll be ready to make one myself.


I learned that you could cry in front of anyone without caring about what they'd say. Everyone gets mad and that's normal