May 14 Churro How can I stick into one instrument ? Answer : guitar It’s an addiction , play guitar everyday , it inspired him from spongebob Get to travel,famous ,money, Churro doing it for the love he has for it , rushing things you’ll lose your love for it, Need to have talent to play guitar , going to 7months playing it,learn thru YouTube , corda calliente are teens that form a group , he looks up to then, find someone that motivates you and has good value ,every bad side of you has a bright side , don’t let other peoples words bring you down Wrote a song about him being heart broken , play with someone , don’t ever give up on what you want to do on life May 15 Alexis He is asking question Leading us to meet new friends Without friends it could be boring Friends help our depression Friends interact and trust May 16 Jacky How mars is Global warming has to do with it Use more resources First spotted in 1610 There’s 2 moon , 260 days to live there , 1 billion...